
How I love homeschooling!  Let me count the ways!

Seriously though, we are so blessed to be a homeschool family.  As a single parent, I'm fortunate to be able to remain home to teach my kids.  They are the most important job I will ever have. 

We've homeschooled since the very beginning.  I went to my first homeschool convention when my son was two.  Our journey began.

So now my kids are 8 and 12.  Every year there are new things to discover about my kids, their learning styles, and even who I am as their mom and teacher.  That's the fun part!  Always something new.  Always something challenging us.

While I am very eclectic in my teaching methods, there are some mainstays that I always come back to. First, and most importantly, our family does all things from a Biblical worldview.  God's word is our final authority in all we do.  With that in mind, choosing a methodology for teaching wasn't so hard.  Biblical Principle Approach and Charlotte Mason, who speaks to me like a gentle whisper.  Most of her methodology I love, love, love.  But it doesn't all fit us like a glove.

And then there are books.  I love good books!  We try to use as many quality, living books as we are able to find and afford. 

Here is what we are teaching from this year:
Picture This! Picture Smart Bible
Discover for Yourself
Who Is God? 
Scripture Memory
Simply Charlotte Mason  Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, and the Epistles
RightStart Math
Analytical Grammar
Spell to Write and Read
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology
Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization
Artistic Pursuits
The Violin Book